The result would be a more open and less shrill debate of responsible citizens.
But mayoral advisers also indicated that they would like to focus attention away from the shrill debate over Crown Heights.
Rather than a shrill debate over the pros and cons of abortion, what carries "Lovejoy" is the haunting human stories.
Behind the shrill and seemingly irreconcilable debate are two major questions.
In the shrill debate over Terri Schiavo.
The often shrill debate is colored with talk about defending the fatherland.
Better data on AIDS virus infection would also help resolve the increasingly shrill debate over the threat to the heterosexual population.
Perhaps we are simply more familiar with the destruction of the Brazilian rain forest, El Nino and the shrill political and scientific debates over global warming.
All the energy and anxiety engendered by this fluctuating environment were on display last week in a shrill televised debate ineffectually moderated by Larry King.
He took moderate positions in an often shrill debate, pointing out, for instance, that if used safely and judiciously, additives could enhance a food product.