Her voice, which had been raised to its old shrill pitch, dropped suddenly as Yahmose entered.
Many of the portrayals have entirely one pitch: loud and shrill.
Then the shrill, high pitch of the whir returned.
Pettigrew touched at Lila's elbow, but she pulled away, her voice rising to a shrill pitch.
His voice raised to a shrill pitch.
Only the ungodly racket of the hounds continued at its maddening shrill pitch.
When Trelger opened the box and saw it empty, his wheeze rose to the shrill pitch of a whistle.
Jake spun, voice rising to a shrill pitch.
She had to raise her voice to a shrill pitch to be heard above the wd.
Craylon leered, then raised his voice to a wild, shrill pitch: "Look to the door!