The viewscreen showed the Genesis world slowly shrinking behind them.
Manville shrank back behind a display rack for a moment as his eyes moved towards the store window.
But then, at dusk, just as the last red-gold rays were shrinking behind the western hills, everything changed.
Jake shrank back behind a boxwood and took a look at the environment.
The light in the kitchen was snapped on, and Michael shrank behind the heavy overstuffed couch.
And then, with alarming swiftness, Barnard was shrinking behind them.
Shrink from the whispers behind hands-Did you hear what he did?
The planet shrank behind us, its disk tilting away, bringing the edge into view.
Margaret shrank behind her mother as the King's cold eyes freed on her for a moment.
Joy shrank behind her father, praying that she could disappear altogether.