Statistics are hard to pin down, but many believe that the black population has shrunk in recent years.
Q. The number of oil companies is going to shrink in coming years, regardless, isn't it?
The amount of mortgage life insurance has also been shrinking in recent years.
Even some industries that have been shrinking in recent years find themselves with excess production capacity.
Winning a chunk of new business would be a welcome change for Grumman, which has been shrinking in recent years.
However the population has shrunk considerably in recent years.
The American market for sparkling wine has been shrinking in recent years.
As job opportunities shrank in recent years, so did salaries.
The amount has been shrinking in recent years for several reasons, including a weak real estate market until 1993 and less interest from borrowers.
For example, the Scottish fleet has already shrunk in recent years to a more sustainable size.