He'd expected to have to cut through the ropes, but they simply shriveled away at the touch of the iron blade.
As we know, noses continue to grow long after most other parts of the anatomy have started to shrivel away.
Then they were up, and the ground started to shrivel away.
If we ever opened ourselves to that, we'd shrivel away.
But even smothering elastic could not make healthy flesh shrivel away.
The cross had disappeared, either shrivelled away or removed by some light-fingered officer of the law.
The heat was enemy enough, and they felt as if their skin would simply shrivel and crack away.
The jet of water from the hose shrivelled away.
She could only watch in silent anguish as the flesh shrivelled away and the spirit fled.
But despite being surrounded by cyberhype, he does not worry that magazines will shrivel away.