Stacey put his hands in his pockets and shrugged casually.
Of course," he shrugged casually, "I know about stars, and you do not.
"They'd had plans," Silver began, caught herself, shrugged casually.
Remo looked at the dead body, shrugged casually, and left the room.
Arby shrugged casually, but he was more troubled by this line of thought than he wanted to admit.
Menion nodded, then shrugged casually, moving toward the stairway.
Panamon shrugged casually, indicating he neither knew nor cared.
He shrugged casually, but he was really enjoying showing her how he lived.
He also shrugged casually, as if the traveler had temporarily felt free of danger.
He grinned as her shot went home, then shrugged just a bit too casually.