She watched it for a moment, then shrugged philosophically and heated just enough water for a sketchy sort of bath.
She formulates big plans to upgrade her appearance and personality, then shrugs philosophically when things don't work out.
He shrugged philosophically as Dumarest passed, raising his voice again a moment later, falling silent almost immediately.
Davy shrugged philosophically and turned back to the bed.
Reis shrugged philosophically, rotated the image back, and charted another hole.
I was puzzled, but not cut to the quick, shrugging to myself philosophically.
She shrugged philosophically and, following along behind the donkey, amused herself by pulling back an image of Juan as an adult.
He thought for a moment and then shrugged philosophically.
Ankaret was never sulky or unreasonable, and she shrugged philosophically.
It landed wet side up, and Jib shrugged philosophically.