I made a show of hesitating, and shrugged resignedly.
Korolenko shrugged resignedly and laid down his cards face up.
He shrugged resignedly, already coming to terms with the proposed scheme.
Would they shrug resignedly and say, 'Out of our jurisdiction'?
Irene shrugged resignedly, "Well, if you're afraid, we'll say no more about it."
Regis shrugged resignedly and stood to follow the drow.
Sandy drew a breath, then shrugged resignedly and followed after Merglis, who was floating a few feet from the platform, waiting for them.
Jack shrugged resignedly, too preoccupied to be afraid.
The woman shrugged resignedly, picked up the saucer and washed the remains of its contents carefully away in the kitchen sink.
"We can only give him a little longer," Skipper shrugged resignedly.