His style of "shuffle rhythms" was an influence on Danny Barker.
In shuffle rhythm, the first note in the pair is exactly twice the duration of the second note.
The basic shuffle rhythm is created by "leaving out (resting) the middle note of each three-note triplet group."
The track fused a vibrant melody with the shuffle rhythm which helped seal the band's popularity in the genre towards the end of the 1980s.
A classic example is the half time shuffle, a variation of a shuffle rhythm, which is used extensively in hip-hop and some blues music.
The arrangement starts with a bagpipe-like drone from the Drifters setting up a shuffle rhythm.
"Goodbye, Hello" is a track with a shuffle rhythm about not being able to believe that they went through a break-up the day before.
The song starts with a shuffle rhythm.
Johnson drives the beat with the shuffle rhythm and plays fills simultaneously.
The song is based on a shuffle rhythm and features Paul Westerberg playing a mandolin.