The place was full of neon beer signs and dark wood, with a coin-op shuffleboard game in the back.
Even surfers who come to the island each summer say they are charmed by the PG-rated quality of the island, where drunken shuffleboard games make for a wild evening.
The next morning, when Norman reminds Richard about a shuffleboard game they had scheduled, Richard coldly brushes him off.
Amid the bleating of country and western music on the jukebox and the clacking of a shuffleboard game, they drank bourbon and talked sports.
A block away, there is a ski stand out front and a local crowd inside at the Cooper Street Bar and Restaurant, with an old-time shuffleboard game paralleling the crowded bar.
On Fridays, when the legislature wasn't in session, I allowed casual dress and encouraged everyone to go for a long lunch at a nearby haunt that had first-rate hamburgers, pinball machines, and a shuffleboard game.
And Holiday Inn - which opened indoor recreation centers called Holidomes two decades ago with indoor pools, miniature golf and shuffleboard games - sees the same opportunity ahead.
Moving like a very old man on his way to a shuffleboard game, I worked my way to the glove compartment and opened it.
In the episode "Cell Phone", he replaces the shuffleboard game in the bar with a claw game, to which Oscar becomes addicted.
I'm way overdue to polish my shuffleboard game.