They shut factories.
Russia will change its lineup of domestic-made passenger jets, shedding some, introducing new models and shutting outdated factories.
Companies stung by the global downturn are cutting jobs and shutting factories in reaction.
It will also be a year in which Detroit's struggling automakers will shut factories and lay off tens of thousands of employees.
The shortage is shutting factories, causing the economy to contract further.
By slashing inventories, shutting factories and cutting jobs, Sony and its rivals have been bracing for another retreat in demand, which many expect later this year.
Ruthless executives here have been downsizing companies and shutting factories in the heartland.
House and Senate committees have also approved bills that would require companies to give advance notice before shutting factories or businesses.
G.M. needs to catch up quickly before it begins shutting factories to retool for 1997 models.
A strike organized by Azerbaijani nationalists has shut factories in several cities of the republic, including military plants and railroads, the Foreign Ministry reported today.