Use electric and home appliance devices that have automatic shut-off switches.
The shut-off switch also triggered alarms and opened the door.
Because there was no shut-off switch nearby, the suction went on for several minutes, thwarting her would-be rescuers, the official said.
And a shut-off switch should have been near the tub whether required by state law or not, he said.
Hidden shut-off switches do deter many thieves.
Spider-Man and Steel Spider end up hitting the shut-off switches on the armors of the Boston Terroriers.
The TV set had a shut-off switch on the wall above one bed.
And by installing high-efficiency equipment on customers' premises and radio-controlled shut-off switches on pool pumps and home air conditioners, Lilco cut peak load by 188 megawatts.
The doctor also discovers that Data has a shut-off switch which Data describes is his own version of death.
Waela slapped the shut-off switch.