There is no direct service between Leeds and Bradford but a shuttle from Shipley to Bradford connects with Leeds departures.
Several public bus routes serve the area, and shuttles (generally for affiliated personnel only) connect with destinations such as the Cambridge campuses of Harvard and MIT.
The shuttle will typically connect one airport with several large hotels, or addresses in a specified area of the city.
A shuttle connects this station to the nearby Isleta Casino.
"Can the shuttle connect?"
These shuttles connect with Regional service at the New Haven station, usually a cross-platform or same platform transfer.
The train station is a short walk from the terminal area; and a free shuttle connects the terminals and the train station.
During the summer a water-taxi shuttle also connects the Point with the Inner Harbor.
It is about two miles (3 km) south of Ronkonkoma Lake and dedicated shuttles connect the airport to the Ronkonkoma railroad station.
In addition, several free shuttles connect local colleges to Downtown Roanoke.