One possible compensation is the adolescent's family, and in particular sibling relationships.
With only each other, for company, they forged a strong sibling relationship that was to last to the ends of their lives.
The Yuya's goal is just have a fine sibling relationship with his new little sister.
It wasn't much different from any other sibling relationship.
It commonly occurs as a result from issues within the sibling relationship.
The fact that the majority of families now only have two children may add additional value and intensity to the sibling relationship.
But while a sibling relationship wasn't acknowledged, it was understood.
The second challenge is to figure out, given the sibling relationships, what each member of the Garden family might be worth in its own right.
Social service agencies and many courts in recent years have said they give special consideration to sibling relationships.
The major aspect of family life not covered in the exhibition is the sibling relationship.