It's a sad and sickening thought that some people live in fear of their own families.
To Lois came the sickening thought that she, like a fool, had tried to help the wrong man!
And we'll both discard that sickening little thought right now.
It was a sickening thought, for there was only one other food source in Hell.
Even as he finished speaking, a sickening thought caused a rise in his stomach.
In the half second before he could answer, I had a sickening thought.
A shark almost two hundred feet long was the sickening thought that flashed briefly through his unbelieving brain.
Seconds dragged by, and a slow panic began to burn in her belly as a sickening thought occurred to her.
Suddenly the sickening thought: We've been looking in all the wrong places.
The sickening thought coursed through him that she would be pulled to her death when the barge sank.