Both sides have hailed the agreement, signed in November, as their greatest diplomatic breakthrough since they renewed economic ties in 1979.
Both sides hailed Saturday's agreement as a model for future land claims, saying costly lawsuits can be avoided through negotiations.
Both sides hailed today's decision as at least a partial victory and said they had not decided whether to appeal.
Uncharacteristically, the two sides agreed with each other today and hailed the agreement, which is meant to help heal a nation badly divided over its president.
Both sides hailed the verdict as a victory.
His father's side of the family hails from the West Coast of Ireland.
The Senate today began what all sides hailed as a historic debate on legislation to add prescription drug benefits to Medicare.
Both sides hailed the voting as a watershed for democracy in Pakistan, which has seen civilian...
Despite years of bitterness, both sides in the case today hailed the settlement.
Then one side of the split screen hailed.