She opened the first, felt through the elasticized side pouches, and found nothing.
In addition to assault order, the second side pouch of the rucksack is carried.
It wasn't serving any purpose and, besides, I wanted water from the side pouch.
Athaclena rushed to Robert's backpack, seeking the radio in the lower side pouch.
Some, however, now have a side pouch up on the ankle, which can hold a small wallet.
At his signal the team began to quickly carry the items out and load them into a side pouch which the Crafter popped open.
Thomas took one of the flat, flexible repair patches from his side pouch.
The other tables were in a side pouch.
Karen grabbed her pack and tugged a side pouch open.
Marino was tucking his gas card in the side pouch where he always kept it when I pulled up next to him.