It was seventy feet high already, its sides sloping about thirty-five degrees.
However, the sides of the knoll were sloping and covered with green grass, so there was a stiff climb before them yet.
Its sides sloped into the sea, providing a narrow shore, except to the south where the lip of the crater was lowest.
The west side of the island is sloping to a gravel beach.
The way the side of the hill sloped, we could ride almost halfway up before anyone could get a clear shot at us.
The side facing the square sloped back at a 70oangle.
Its sides sloped in toward the bottom; the water level was so low that the ice surface was barely twenty feet across.
The sides of the turf-lock are sloping so, when full, the lock is quite wide.
For another, the sides sloped inward as they rose, so that the second storey was smaller than the first.
Ernst and Ludwig considered, then reworked their trench so that the sides sloped.