Neither side wears uniforms, but it is an all-out war for valuable territory.
Both sides wore armor, which slowed them down even more.
In 2004, the teams played their 100th anniversary game and both sides wore special "throwback" jerseys.
This became the first time that the national side of Fiji would wear their now traditional white jerseys and black shorts.
The starting side normally wear the numbers corresponding to their positions, only changing in the case of substitutions and position shifts during the game.
Both sides wore weights on their belts and in their boots to hold them down.
Both sides wore thick goggles, to keep the driving snow out of their eyes.
Akhenaten is shown on both sides wearing the Khepresh crown.
The groom's side wore traditional black tuxedos with orange bow ties and white shirts.
Watson, which side of this garment would ordinarily be worn in front?