The baseball jackets gave way to a hooded design with a side zipper, and eventually to a padded half-zip pullover.
Unselfconsciously, she undid the side zipper, let the top fall, and peeled the suit down her long legs.
Head bowed, she reached for the side zipper on her pants, and I lurched to the door.
The side zipper is insulated by a full-length draft tube.
One of the side zippers of her jeans had slipped to show a little bulge of brown flesh.
When the side zipper was closed, the dress clung like paint.
She locked his eyes, but when she began to draw the side zipper of her dress slowly downward, his gaze followed that movement.
He pulled down one of the side zippers where some cylindrical object bulged the polyester quilting.
Tailored trousers were detailed with side zippers down the thigh or with one ring of color around one leg.
Carefully she got to her feet, and reached for the side zipper, checking her watch as she did.