The thought of that soured his mood, as did the sight of his home.
Before long they were in sight of the Mortons' home, a rambling farmhouse with an apple orchard at the rear.
Soon Bink was within sight of his home.
A 5-year-old girl named Dot is lost in the outback after chasing a hare into the wood and losing sight of her home.
He landed within sight of the Tubbermans' larger home.
They chose the most desolate spot on the whole planet for the new convict's first sight of his future home.
She stopped when she drew in sight of her home and stood for a moment looking at it.
And so I could not be certain whether the sight of his old home depressed him more than it inspired him.
Jean's first sight of his future home thrilled him through.
Tom was still walking swiftly when he arrived in sight of Mary Nestor's home.