When he rose again he was warm as if he'd never been cold, and the sight of the lights beyond the glass amazed him.
Catching sight of the lights outside the Mandarin Theater, he idly turned his footsteps toward the doorway.
That night about ten we hove in sight of the lights of a town away down in a left-hand bend.
Some of the refugees, within sight of the lights of New York after a global voyage, began to scream.
They were within sight of the lights in his windows, and he stopped.
The sight of the bright lights, the laughing people, the good food attracted me.
He lives within sight of the bright lights of ground zero.
But he was heartened further by the sight of the lights shining out of the buildings.
After dinner we were rewarded with our first sight of the mystical northern lights.
The incline ran straight ahead; and there was little danger of losing sight of the lights.