A factory across the street from Quigley has a sign advertising 90,000 square feet for lease.
When Calla, who is 8, walked past a sign advertising World Trade Center pictures, she would kick it.
There was no mesh fence in this river, and no sign advertising it as Lethe.
You might expect a billboard or a colorful sign advertising France's last remaining traditional vinegar-maker, but there isn't one.
Investigators at the scene said the robbers apparently were drawn by the prominent sign advertising Quick Draw in the bar's window.
The sign advertising it offered fortunes, palm readings, charms and materials.
A pig and a chicken were walking together and they saw a huge sign advertising scrambled eggs and bacon.
Locally, this road was known as the Highway of Death for the unusually high number of accidents and the sign advertising.
Developers are creeping in - make a wrong turn and you're facing a snack stand or a sign advertising new homes.
On the corner was a sign advertising ice cream and chocolate candies.