A large sign affixed to the chain link fencing surrounding the building proclaimed it to be another M. Swenson Construction project.
On a recent Sunday afternoon at McCarthy's Pub, the owner's old red pickup truck sat out front, "Can the Ban" signs affixed to the doors.
If the scene is something out of the 1950's, then the seven-foot illuminated sign affixed to the outside of the school gymnasium is a clarion call to modern times.
Despite being unofficially named the halt has a simple bus stop-type sign affixed to the overhead pole.
A sign affixed to the seaside Grand Hotel captures the spirit exactly, if ungrammatically.
Includes point-ofpurchase displays, signs, shelf-talkers (small signs affixed to the shelf where the item is displayed), window signs, banners and posters.
Judging from the lettered sign affixed to the gate, Jack Clemson was the sole tenant.
Nothing so proved the point as the sign affixed to a fence outside the Bronx high rise where Yemaya came to earth.
"Help the bomb victims," says a handwritten sign affixed to a collection box at the bar, where a crush of locals hang out all day drinking.
A large sign affixed to a shingled roof advertises the name.