He gives Nick the divorce papers for him to sign, along with some money and a key to the house.
Last fall, the agency signed a joint resolution denouncing the practice, along with seven other states in the Northeast, most of which have bans.
The others shame him into signing along with them for another ship.
Within several months four of the five working general practitioners in the town also signed on, along with one retired physician.
On 27 January 2012, he signed for the rest of the season, along with four players.
To make it "representative", he looked for people who would sign it along with him.
He was at the signing of Batman's Treaty in 1835 and signed it along with seven other tribal leaders.
Helen had to sign all the notes along with me, and her statement allowed us to borrow more than I could have alone.
Decisions are made as to the number of games per season, the difficulty level, trade players, and sign new players along with hiring coaches.
The program, which runs tomorrow and Sunday, will encourage children to step, speak, sing and even sign along with the performers.