"So I asked the living presidents to sign pictures to them."
On August 22, 1992, in Marin City, Shakur performed at an outdoor festival, and stayed for an hour afterwards signing autographs and pictures.
Rose will be signing pictures and baseballs at $20 per signature and bats for $50.
He signed two autographs for her and also signed pictures, baseballs and gloves for about 25 others.
There he signed pictures and other memorabilia, and posed for photographs with fans.
They were parked across the street from Kelly's building and Montez was showing Ricky signed pictures of Kelly in panties and thongs.
In his later years, Mantle signed bats, balls and pictures that virtually flooded a welcoming market.
In his first years, until 1898, he used both, the name of his father and his mother to sign pictures.
For extra income, he signed promotional pictures of himself with his feet.
Others press forward to put flutes to their lips or violins to their chins, or to ask musicians to sign pictures of the orchestra.