They were met by nearly 400 Insane Clown Posse fans standing outside in front of the TRL studio window, all with signs supporting the duo.
People carried signs supporting the Democratic agenda and liberal causes, but the tone of...
On the other side of the street, people held up signs supporting Mr. Franks as well as Gov. George W. Bush.
In Ketchikan, the logging stronghold of the Panhandle, speakers were almost evenly divided, though dozens of demonstrators held up signs supporting the bill.
There were signs supporting the pitcher - "Whether 12 or 14 years of age, your performance motivated our kids, thanks Danny!"
He carried a sign supporting the teachers that read, "Houston, We Have Your Problem."
People carried signs supporting the Democratic agenda and liberal causes, but the tone of the gathering was subdued, and adhered to the word of the day: "reasonable."
There were no physical signs supporting Laurie's claim, although she passed two polygraph tests.
Another group, carrying signs supporting Mr. Goetz, said he was the real victim and those he shot were the criminals.
About a third of the audience carried signs supporting Vice President Bush or Trent Lott, the Republican candidate for Senate here.