After signing the treaty in Rome together with other leaders, he decided to call for a referendum, which was held on 20 February 2005.
On 31 May 2011, he signed with Sparta Rotterdam together with his brother, Mark, for two years.
He received a €250.000 severance package and was forced to sign a non-disclosure agreement (together with his former colleagues).
After the 2005 season he signed for Sandefjord Fotball together with his older brother Jon André.
The two scientists signed complete agreement, together with modifiers of great intensity.
Released at the end of the 1988-89 season on a free transfer, he signed for Cambridge United together with Southend team-mate Martin Robinson.
After the 2005 season he signed for Sandefjord Fotball together with his younger brother Ørjan.
Both he and Fontenelle signed the Treaty of 1854, together with five gente chiefs, whereby the tribe sold nearly all its land to the government.
The Secretary General also has to sign, together with the President, all acts adopted by the Parliament and Council.
Hilferding signed together with the majority of the editors of Vorwärts a declaration to oppose these politics.