She fired her guns to signal distress, which brought out several boats from the dockyard.
Biggest Not Always First But even New York City itself ranks behind other major cities in several categories that signal economic and social distress.
The owner and captain, John Noyes, signaled distress, flying the ensign at half-mast and union-down.
Chaff can also be used to signal distress by an aircraft when communications are not functional.
There are echoes of English oratorio and church traditions and the occasional inclusion of a dissonance to signal pain or distress.
Apart from contact communication, bleating may signal distress, frustration or impatience; however, sheep are usually silent when in pain.
Its frantic little banners seemed to be signaling distress now, on account of MamaTataba's vigorous washings in the river.
Vera waved her flashlight at them to signal distress.
I had not, until that moment, realized that the initials of the new Scully on Spring signaled distress.
Is this infidelity meant to signal distress in the marriage to Lizzie?