It is also possible to adapt other methods of signal enhancement to the labeling procedure.
"Communications now has priority on computer access for signal enhancement."
After the eighth iteration, the signal began to break up, despite every signal enhancement he had brought to bear on it.
These unique properties have made them a focus of research in many applications including solar cells, spectroscopy, signal enhancement for imaging, and cancer treatment.
Electronic stethoscopes can be recording devices, and can provide noise reduction and signal enhancement.
The Freedman-Clauser experiment reveals that local hidden variables imply the new phenomenon of signal enhancement:
However, when coupled with these well known signal enhancements, astonishing distances can be bridged.
Then, after a few minutes - and with considerable signal enhancement from the data desk processors - the message cleared.
They forgo any signal enhancement and thus output the digital image data in its raw state.
No matter how many times they tried, they couldn't explain their two different methods of signal enhancement to anyone but fellow technical experts.