E is referred as the "backward" reading beam and E is the signal obtained by diffraction on the grating.
During 1934 and 1935, tests of microwave RPF equipment resulted in Doppler-shifted signals being obtained, initially at only a few hundred feet distance and later over several miles.
The electrical signal thus obtained can be then sent to a spectrum analyzer with a 50 Ω common RF cable.
It consists of two separate units: one for scanning the disk with a laser, the other for decoding the signal thereby obtained.
Based on the signals obtained, the power unit moves the joint to support and amplify the wearer's motion.
In early attempts to return some degree of control to these patients, researchers used cortical signals obtained with electroencephalography (EEG) to drive a mouse cursor.
It is usually better to supply stage monitors with signal obtained from pre-fader auxiliary sends.
Tachycardia recognition was initially guided by a combination of heart rate and the morphological characteristics of the electrical signal obtained from the electrodes used for defibrillation.
The third is that the signals obtained from the KLT retain the spectral characteristics and perceptive the audio signals.
The signals obtained by the camera are sent to an onboard computer, which combines them with dynamic parameters of the vehicle (speed, yaw rate, wheel angle).