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An interpretation as medieval or more recent signalling station seems debatable.
A coastguard station was built next to the derelict signalling station during World War II.
Historically, there was a railway station in the older quarters of Newtonhill but this has now become defunct, operating as a signalling station only.
The fort served as the first signalling station for ships arriving from England.
The signalling station was one of the points from which news of Wellington's victory at Waterloo was flashed to London.
In addition to covering the approach to the Salt River mouth, Duijnhoop served as a signalling station to warn the Fort of approaching ships.
The two ships destroyed the coast guard stations in both towns, along with the signalling station in Whitby.
The first European activity in the area took place not long after settlement, when a makeshift signalling station was set up on the ridge overlooking the ocean.
It is believed that the term "ball" refers to a signalling station which once stood at the top of the hill.
(Typically, "ball" signalling stations were used to synchronize the time visually at given points during the day across long distances.)