In 1867, a free trade treaty was signed between Britain and France, after which several of these treaties were signed among other European countries.
This treaty, banning land mines, has been signed by 125 countries, neither China nor the United States among them.
Help Getting Permits Since opening last December, the club has signed 200 members, among them judges, doctors, lawyers and stockbrokers.
A petition expressing his basic social ideas (signed by Herman Hesse, among others) was very widely circulated.
Following his release, a petition for a pardon was signed by, among others, five dukes, twenty privy councillors, and 126 generals.
The petition was signed by the names of all the favorite officers of the state, and among the rest, by that of our hero.
Four more contracts have since been signed, with French, Italian, Japanese and Iranian companies among the new arrivals.
The Declaration was signed by ninety-eight people, among them an American army officer who witnessed the proclamation.
Cindy Crawford has signed a deal with eStyle to sell, among other things, clothes for young children.
A cease-fire was signed last year among all warring factions, though battles have continued.