An examination by The New York Times shows that shrinking the size and cost of government has produced a significant diminution in services.
The contract stated that there would be a constructive termination if "a significant diminution in your responsibilities, authority or scope of duties is effected by the board of directors," even if his title did not change.
However, daughter cells showed significant diminution of ERα when compared to parental cells.
On 9 June 2009, Nobel Laureate Charles Townes announced that the star had shrunk by 15% since 1993 at an increasing rate without a significant diminution in magnitude.
He contends that this would not be the case if market timers were causing a significant diminution in fund returns.
He denied that there was any significant diminution of the N.A.A.C.P.'s impact but conceded that today's issues posed difficulties that those of the past did not.
The numbers of cephalopod, echinoderm, and bivalve genera exhibited significant diminution after the K-Pg boundary.
Consistent analysis of spending and project priorities in New Jersey resulted in a significant diminution of spending for new highway capacity in the state.
Marginal irregularity, the PT2, is characterized by significant diminution of Thy-1 staining, and moderate but significant dilatation of villous sinusoids.
"The board carefuly analyzes the effect of expansion proposals on the preservation of strong capital levels and has adopted a policy that there should be no significant diminution of financial strength for the purpose of effecting major expansion," it said.