If it's a significant engagement, it'll be worth several points to me, and maybe I'll be able to afford a better part next time.
The third battle at Vailele became the last significant engagement of the war.
"If you are going to have a significant tax reform effort, it will require a significant engagement by the president and his administration."
The Battle of Monmouth on 28 June 1778 was the last significant engagement in the north.
Three significant engagements occurred between the British and the pirates in 1822 and 1823.
There were two significant cavalry engagements on July 3.
This is the last significant engagement of the civil war in Kerry.
Unfortunately whilst his career was often active he did not have the opportunity to command any significant engagements and always followed rather than led.
Several, however, have had significant engagements with the neighborhood itself.
There were significant engagements 2 and 10 days later.