The cause is unknown, although most people with lipedema have a significant hormonal imbalance.
They also thought the artificial intelligence was below par, as the variable defensive abilities of their forces resulted in significant imbalances.
However, the tactics used were influenced especially where there was significant imbalance in the numbers of muskets being employed by one side against another.
Despite stronger-than-expected tax revenues, the governor's plan projects a significant imbalance between spending and income - some $6 billion in the general fund alone.
It found "vast differences" in the staffing of schools within districts, as well as significant regional imbalances.
Some economists also warn that China's growing trade dominance creates significant imbalances in the global economy.
Tulane will do the same to help remedy a significant imbalance in its ratio of male and female athletes.
Moreover, the fiscal situation remained of great concern in countries that had already recorded significant imbalances in 2002.
There is therefore still a very significant imbalance between the level and quality of care for men and care for women.
It should also be stressed that significant imbalances remain in our attitude towards future enlargements.