It does, however, modify events for dramatic purposes and contains a number of significant historical inaccuracies.
Due to the significant inaccuracies associated with this process, however, it has been slow in gaining widespread support.
Less expensive wattmeters may be subject to significant inaccuracy at low current (power).
It was at this point, according to the new report, that the city's financial disclosures "began to exhibit significant inaccuracies and omissions."
The report included a formal response from Trafigura, in which the company contested the report's findings, arguing that it contained "significant inaccuracies and misrepresentations".
"We saw significant inaccuracies introduced at the 11th hour to influence his decision," Senator Williams said, "and apparently they did."
We discovered that 42.7 percent of them had significant inaccuracies.
It has a number of significant historical inaccuracies.
- the electoral registers used for the 2015 general election, and initial invitations to register individually, will contain significant inaccuracies.
In her written statement, Hartley says that Hugh Grant's evidence contained a number of "significant inaccuracies".