Her improved ratings - with a significant jump in recent weeks - can be attributed to other traits.
The company is reportedly trying to attain a significant jump in computer performance by designing its own microprocessor.
That amount would be a significant jump over last quarter, when Columbia reported a loss of 63 cents a share.
If this goes ahead it will surely result in a significant jump in inflation.
"That is a very significant jump from the early 80's, when we built few ranches," he said.
However, a significant jump in interest rates could lock first-time buyers out of the housing market here and everywhere.
For example, they said, Florida showed a significant jump in achievement levels from 2000 to 2004 because of recent investments in the early grades.
The tax assessment had remained constant during the 1840s, but dropped off in 1854 to $450, followed by a significant jump to $1800 in 1855.
R&D activities in Turkey show a significant jump in late years.
And he said at least a part of the significant jump in remittances could be attributed to better accounting.