Instability is caused by excess gain, particularly in the presence of significant lag.
Of the few works that had been translated into English, they often had been translated after a significant lag after the Japanese publication.
A survey by The Booksellers Association last year showed a take-up of only 32% - a significant lag behind other industries - with 24% not using a computer at all.
If the ETI in question is transmitting from outside of the solar system, there will be a significant lag in time between transmission and receipt by either party.
They are still fifteen treek out so there is a significant lag.
There was, therefore, a significant lag before the newly emerging political system in Spain could turn its attention to the questions raised by the economic crisis.
Although welcomed by critics and fans alike, the online multiplayer suffered from significant lag upon the game's debut, making it difficult to play.
Language-based learning disabilities, which refer to difficulties with reading, spelling, and/or writing that are evidenced in a significant lag behind the individual's same-age peers.
One of the pitfalls of the gameplay was that, due to broadcasting technicalities, there was significant lag in the transmission of a television signal.
A month into the recent campaign, fund officials have noted a significant lag in donations compared to those at the same point last year.