In its filing with the S.E.C., American indicated that adverse publicity had already led to a significant outflow of depositor funds, particularly by small depositors.
Satellite imagery showed the storm losing its deep convection and significant outflow and its winds dropped to 145 km/h (90 mph).
Endorheic lake, terminal or closed: A lake which has no significant outflow, either through rivers or underground diffusion.
Efforts to clamp down on use of Thai nominees could potentially cause a significant outflow of capital from the Thailand.
Many of his funds lost more than 50 percent in 2001 and 2002 while experiencing significant outflows.
Following the Russian financial crisis of 1998 Browder continued the business of Hermitage investing in Russia, despite significant outflows from the fund.
While the Government has no way of tracking capital flight, economists and financial officials agree that there is probably a significant outflow.
OS maps also show that the size has been greatly reduced and in 2011 only a small area of open water survives, surrounded by wetland with no significant outflow remaining.
"Recent months have seen significant net outflows from retail funds, and even if markets pick up this negative sentiment will linger longer," she added.
"We have stopped seeing the inflows of earlier this year, but we have not seen any significant outflows of funds," he said.