This allows incremental extension of the active region as needed without incurring any significant overhead.
This technique is successful at making gadgets difficult to find and utilize, but comes with significant overhead.
This causes a significant overhead (more than a factor of two for the size of the code).
Such environments operated by preemption, memory virtualization, etc., generating significant overhead because there were never enough resources to do everything every application desired.
However, since this reduces the available character set considerably, there is significant overhead (wasted bandwidth) over 8bit-byte networks.
Data deduplication has been deployed successfully with primary storage in some cases where the system design does not require significant overhead, or impact performance.
Though account aggregation can be used as an option where no other solution might work it causes a significant administrative overhead.
Managing membership is a significant overhead.
Note that the scheduler pattern adds significant overhead beyond that required to call a synchronized method.
Fragmentation has a real negative impact from inconsisten look/feel/operation and polish of Linux and significant overhead for commercial software developers.