It has undergone significant redevelopment since 1995 and the present capacity is 12,500.
"We are about to see significant redevelopment in the south end of Stamford," he said.
Construction plans for the line date back to much earlier, but they were put on hold due to significant redevelopment.
The site has been continually developed since, with significant redevelopment occurring in 1961 and most recently over the period 1979-81.
During the late 19th century Sheffield city centre underwent a significant redevelopment.
In recent years, several areas along Liverpool's waterfront have undergone significant redevelopment.
The square has undergone significant redevelopment in recent years.
It has recently undergone significant redevelopment, particularly of older houses.
The website is currently undergoing a period of significant redevelopment.
In 2008, the house was worth A$3 million and has subsequently undergone significant redevelopment.