The incident became the focal point of what proved to be a significant upheaval in state policy and politics.
Despite the success of the various models and their strong "cult like" following, the company experienced significant upheaval and ownership changes.
It brought significant personal upheaval to the individuals affected.
Zimbabwe's significant political and economic upheaval since 1999 has created serious setbacks for the theatre, both financially, and in the stifling of free expression.
And almost all mean significant upheaval for the exchange: * It is planning to introduce its own basket contract, the cash equivalent of a stock index future.
I'd also say similar, if less broadly significant upheavals are happening in the worlds of house, techno, and other electronic music even now.
The remainder of the Paleozoic was a time of significant geologic upheaval in the state.
But it would also result in some significant upheavals, and there's always the question of whether or not Sharleyan would even consider it.
The latter two candidates are white, and if they are the winners on Saturday, it will represent a significant upheaval in the city's power structure.
The Great Depression was a time of significant upheaval in the States.