Many real estate executives say they have recently seen a significant uptick in the number of first-time buyers who are entering the commercial market.
Federal officials say the escalation was in response to a significant uptick in "chatter" concerning the possibility of Democrats retaining control of the Senate.
Killers saw a significant uptick on Saturday, after a Friday where the whole market suffered from competition with England v Algeria.
"If there was a significant uptick in cancer rates as a result of these treatments, it would have come to our attention by now."
"There's been a significant uptick in tenant interest due to recently enacted incentives," he said.
Although early sales estimates for July do not indicate a significant uptick for Chrysler, DaimlerChrysler officials said the ads were having a positive effect.
And while single-family homes accounted for most sales - 6,157 in 2004, versus 5,601 the year before - there was a significant uptick in the number of co-ops that sold.
During summer 2004, web metrics firms started reporting a significant uptick in Mozilla browser market share, all at the expense of IE.
But analysts pointed to a significant uptick in sales at the end of the first quarter.
But we have seen a reasonably significant uptick in cash flows over the last couple of weeks.