In addition, both men needed significant Democratic votes to get elected - as they will to get re-elected.
Three other candidates in the race are not expected to garner significant votes, but all add considerable spice to the campaign.
In one significant vote of 240 to 191, 39 Republicans opposed their party leaders to put the legislation at the center of debate.
It was one of the first significant votes on a measure expected to occupy the Senate for at least the next two weeks.
The party was never again able to take a significant vote in a Parliamentary election.
It's a very significant vote, not to be taken lightly.
That made the vote even more significant because of home-rule issues.
The other four candidates did not receive significant votes.
But at no time did the committee take any significant votes affecting the commodities markets.
Uptown, downtown, in black and white neighborhoods, residents say they will never cast a more significant vote.