Speed restrictions, significantly abnormal traffic levels and minor works on motorways are also normally classified at this level.
Given their straitened horizons, and their own abnormality, how could they really think in terms of something as being significantly abnormal?
Routine laboratory investigations were not significantly abnormal in the low grade/ mixed grade group and were, in fact, completely normal in 32% of these patients.
Those patients who had not had liver biopsies had had significantly abnormal liver function tests and/or ultrasound or isotopic scanning evidence of liver disease.
An unstimulated whole saliva flow rate in a normal person is 0.3 - 0.4 ml per minute, and below 0.1 ml per minute is significantly abnormal.
MRS, used in conjunction with MRI or some other imaging technique, can be used to detect changes in the concentrations of these metabolites, or significantly abnormal concentrations of these metabolites.
But he said the boy's weight, 34 pounds at the time, was "not significantly abnormal" given his small size.