With the credit card industry growing increasingly competitive, the bank faced the possibility of falling behind unless it significantly bolstered marketing and increased the size of its portfolio.
The addition of Flutie would significantly bolster the Giants' depth at quarterback.
During his tenure as chairman, Jaeckle enforced strict adherence to party discipline, which significantly bolstered the party's standing in the state.
For others, summer allows them to enjoy the success they may have not felt in the classroom, an experience that can significantly bolster their self-esteem and self-confidence.
The acquisition not only ends the Mets' perilous period of uncertainty regarding a full-time answer for the shortstop position, but also appears to significantly bolster their offense.
Uncertain that the album's Internet hype would significantly bolster the album's sales, the label did not heavily promote it.
He began studies at the Art Students League of New York and significantly bolstered his fresh though still rough technique.
This would significantly bolster the coalition's ability to gauge popular sentiment and gather intelligence leads on the pursuit of enemy leaders.
Success on the battlefield (especially the fall of Atlanta) significantly bolstered the Republicans in the election of 1864.
Industry analysts said the deal would significantly bolster U S Sprint's international presence.