The soil and groundwater at the site were found to be significantly contaminated and the former dump became a Superfund site.
Approximately 100,000 km2 of land was significantly contaminated with fallout, the worst hit regions being in Belarus, Ukraine and Russia.
You must not send to landfill any packaging that is significantly contaminated with animal by-product material, eg bloodstains.
These systems were sensitive to even small movement of the head or body, which appear to have significantly contaminated the data.
This ceased operation about 1982, leaving significantly contaminated land.
In September 2005 MMC admitted that the woods were significantly contaminated with asbestos.
Particles aspired into the cloud later, when its temperature is low enough, do not become significantly contaminated.
As the lake is downstream from abandoned uranium mine sites and their associated tailings ponds, the water is significantly contaminated with cobalt.
As a result of the fire and previous asbestos-related issues, Vic Berry closed permanently and the closed site was left significantly contaminated from the disposal process.
She also determined that a variety of foods were significantly contaminated by even brief exposure to a tile inoculated with E. coli.