There are no major issues at present that could significantly degrade water quality on most of the stream.
However, the efficiency of air conditioners can degrade significantly over time.
After June 2008, his relations with the British appear to have significantly degraded.
It has not been significantly degraded by impact erosion.
What we think we're seeing them do is move to reinforce other forces that have already been significantly degraded or attrited at this point.
"Both receivers would be significantly degraded over much larger regions than depicted on the map."
In some cases, the plastics may significantly degrade due to extended periods at high temperature.
The rim edge is well-defined and has not been significantly degraded as a result of impact erosion.
Wipes typically last for a small number of firings (perhaps no more than five) before their performance is significantly degraded.
Since then, the browser's performance has degraded significantly for users of Skyfire 1.5.