Mr. Pataki's record on taxes, however, has been significantly distorted by Mr. Cuomo and his aides.
Farther away from the surface, the field lines are significantly distorted by external currents, such as the solar wind.
However, at high altitudes, the magnetic field is significantly distorted by the solar wind and its solar magnetic field.
Image warping is the process of digitally manipulating an image such that any shapes portrayed in the image have been significantly distorted.
The timeline of events during Titanic's construction and fitting out is significantly distorted in this miniseries.
He argued that one experiment alone cannot establish the correctness of an important physical law, that Bucherer's result might be significantly distorted by non-compensated rays reaching the photographic plate, and that extensive data protocols and error analysis are necessary.
You traveled through a region of space-time that was significantly distorted by the wormhole.
Because voters have to predict in advance who the top two candidates will be, results can be significantly distorted:
The AST has now been in operation for 15+ years, and this, combined with lax lending has significantly distorted the UK housing sector.
Each niobium centre is six-coordinate, but the octahedral coordination is significantly distorted.